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○  Ted英语演讲稿:On what we think we know?我们以为自己知道的  ○

ut why? And finally, would you be able to -- and you can sort of scribble it, if you like -- scribble a plan diagram of the solar system, showing the shape of the planets' orbits? Would you be able to do that? And if you can, just scribble a pattern.

  第三个问题,为什么夏天比冬天热? 大家应该都同意夏天比冬天还热 但为何如此?最后,你能不能 简单的勾勒出 太阳系的平面图... 呈现出行星轨道运行的形状 你可以画得出来吗? 你画得出来的话,就把形状画出来

  OK. Now, children get their ideas not from teachers, as teachers often think, but actually from common sense, from experience of the world around them, from all the things that go on between them and their peers, and their carers, and their parents, and all of that. Experience. And one of the great experts in this field, of course, was, bless him, Cardinal Wolsey. Be very careful what you get into people's heads because it's virtually impossible to shift it afterwards, right?

  好,孩童对事物的概念不是老师教的 老师时常这么以为,但实际上概念来自于常理 来自于孩童对周遭世界的体验 来自于他们跟同伴彼此交流 还有跟保姆、父母亲、所有人交流的经验 这个领域中的一个专家,对了,愿他安息 就是渥西主教,他说要你将东西放进其他人的闹袋里的时候要小心 因为那些东西几乎不会再改变,对吧?



  I'm not quite sure how he died, actually. Was he beheaded in the end, or hung?

  我不太清楚他的死因,真的 他最后上了断头台?还是被吊死?



  Now, those questions, which, of course, you've got right, and you haven't been conferring, and so on. And I -- you know, normally, I would pick people out and humiliate, but maybe not in this instance.

  现在回到那四个问题,大家都知道是什么问题了 你们彼此之间也没有讨论答案 我平时习惯点人站起来回答让他丢脸 不过这次就不点了

  A little seed weighs a lot and, basically, all this stuff, 99 percent of this stuff, came out of the air. Now, I guarantee that about 85 percent of you, or maybe it's fewer at TED, will have said it comes out of the ground. And some people, probably two of you, will come up and argue with me afterwards, and say that actually, it comes out of the ground. Now, if that was true, we'd have trucks going round the country, filling people's gardens in with

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