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○  比尔·盖茨夫妇斯坦福大学2014毕业典礼演讲稿(中英文)  ○

hat label with pride. (Cheers and Applause).


  BILL GATES: Well, so do we. (Cheers and Applause).


  BILL GATES: My normal glasses really aren't all that different. (Laughter).


  There are so many remarkable things going on here at this campus, but if Melinda and I had to put into one word what we love most about Stanford, it's the optimism.

  There's an infectious feeling here that innovation can solve almost every problem.That's the belief that drove me in 1975 to leave a college in the suburbs of Boston and go on an endless leave of absence.(Laughter).


  I believed that the magic of computers and software would empower people everywhere and make the world much, much better.


  It's been 40 years since then, and 20 years since Melinda and I were married.We are both more optimistic now than ever. But on our journey, our optimism evolved.


  We would like to tell you what we learned and talk to you today about how your optimism and ours can do more for more people.When Paul Allen and I started Microsoft, we wanted to bring the power of computers and software to the people, and that was the kind of rhetoric we used.One of the pioneering books in the field had a raised fist on the cover, and it was called "Computer Lib."


  At that time, only big businesses could buy computers.We wanted to offer the same power to regular people

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