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○  英语演讲:opening statement  ○

and i had contact with clarence thomas mostly in staff meetings.

in the spring of 1983, an opportunity to teach at oral roberts university opened up. i participated in a seminar -- taught an afternoon session and seminar at oral roberts university. the dean of the university saw me teaching and inquired as to whether i would be interested in furthering -- pursuing a career in teaching, beginning at oral roberts university. i agreed to take the job in large part because of my desire to escape the pressures i felt at the eeoc due to judge thomas.

when i informed him that i was leaving in july, i recall that his response was that now i would no longer have an excuse for not going out with him. i told him that i still preferred not to do so. at some time after that meeting, he asked if he could take me to dinner at the end of the term. when i declined, he assured me that the dinner was a professional courtesy only and not a social invitation. i reluctantly agreed to accept that invitation, but only if it was at the every end of a working day.

on, as i recall, the last day of my employment at the eeoc in the summer of 1983, i did have dinner with clarence thomas. we went directly from work to a restaurant near the office. we talked about the work i had done, both at education and at the eeoc. he told me that he was pleased with all of it except for an article and speech that i had done for him while we were at the office for civil rights. finally, he made a comment that i will vividly remember. he said that if i ever told anyone of his behavior that it would ruin

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