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○  TED英语演讲稿:科技如何帮我阅读  ○

  简介:科技改变世界,但它更为盲人的生活带来前所未有的便利。联合国残疾人权利委员会主席Ron McCallum自幼失明。1987年, 他拥有了第一台盲人专用电脑。由于有了电脑,有声读物(talking books)和志愿者们的帮助,他成为了一个贪婪的阅读者,同时也成为了一名律师和学者。

  When I was about three or four years old, I remember my mum reading a story to me and my two big brothers, and I remember putting up my hands to feel the page of the book, to feel the picture they were discussing.

  And my mum said, "Darling, remember that you can't see and you can't feel the picture and you can't feel the print on the page."

  And I thought to myself, "But that's what I want to do. I love stories. I want to read." Little did I know that I would be part of a technological revolution that would make that dream come true.

  I was born premature by about 10 weeks, which resulted in my blindness, some 64 years ago. The condition is known as retrolental fibroplasia, and it's now very rare in the developed world. Little did I know, lying curled up in my prim baby humidicrib in 1948 that I'd been born at the right place and the right time, that I was in a country where I could participate in the technological revolution.

  There are 37 million totally blind people on our planet, but those of us who've shared in the technological changes mainly come from North America, Europe, Japan and other developed parts of the world. Computers have changed the lives of us all in this room and around the world, but I think they've changed the lives of we blind people more than any other group. And so I want to tell you about the interaction between computer-based adaptive technology and the many volunteers who helped me over the years to become the person I am today. It's an interaction between volunteers, passionate inventors and technology, and it's a story that many other blind people could tell. But let me tell you a bit about it today.

  When I was five, I went to school and I learned brail

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