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○  温总理2015冬季达沃斯论坛演讲节选  ○





  当前中国经济形势总体上是好的。经过努力,在战胜两场突如其来的特大自然灾害的同时,XX年中国经济保持了平稳较快发展。国内生产总值增长9%,居民消费价格基本稳定; 粮食连续5年丰收,总产量达到5.28亿吨;城镇新增就业 1113万人,城乡居民收入持续增加;金融体系稳健运行,银行体系流动性和信贷资产质量保持在较好水平。作为一个发展中大国,中国把自己的事情办好,有利于提振对世界经济增长的信心,有利于减缓国际金融危机扩散蔓延趋势,有利于增加中国的进口和对外投资,拉动世界经济增长,给其他国家提供更多发展机遇和就业机会。中国经济保持平稳较快发展,对维护国际金融稳定和促进世界经济增长作出了重要贡献。

  professor klaus schwab, executive chairman of the world economic forum, ladies and gentlemen,

  i am delighted to be here and address the world economic forum annual meeting XX. let me begin by thanking chairman schwab for his kind invitation and thoughtful arrangements. this annual meeting has a special significance. amidst a global financial crisis rarely seen in history, it brings together government leaders, business people, experts and scholars of different countries to jointly explore ways to maintain international financial stability, promote world economic growth and better address global issues. its theme -- "shaping the post-crisis world" is highly relevant. it reflects the vision of its organizers. people from across the world are eager to hear words of wisdom from here that will give them strength to tide over the crisis. it is thus our responsibility to send to the world a message of confidence, courage and hope. i look forward to a successful meeting.

  the ongoing international financial crisis has landed the world economy in the most difficult situation since last century&#

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