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○  江泽民在剑桥的演讲  ○

semi-colonial and semi- feudal society. 国势衰弱,外强侵入,国土沦丧,生灵涂炭. It was weak, feeble and fell a prey to foreign invasion, with lots of land annexed and its people plunged into an abyss of misery. 中国人民为改变这种悲惨命运,进行了顽强的抗争.      The Chinese people fought tenaciously to change their miserable destiny. 从上世纪中叶到本世纪中叶,中国人民在苦斗中经历了多次挫折和失败,但始终不屈不挠,最后在 中国共产党的领导下取得了民族独立和人民解放,建立了新中国. From the middle of the last century to that of this century, the Chinese people went through setbacks and defeat in their struggles, but they never yielded. Finally, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, they won national independence and liberation and founded New China. 从此,中国历史的发展进入了崭新的时代. From then on China entered a completely new era of development in its history. 掌握了自己命运的中国各族人民,终于可以在一个独立、统一、和平、稳定的环境中意气风发地建 设自己的国家,实现振兴中华的伟大理想. The Chinese people of all ethnic groups, who have taken their destiny in their own hands and enjoy independence, unity, peace and stability, are now able to devote all their energy to the cause of building up their country and realize the lofty ideal of national rejuvenation.   中国人民十分珍惜经过艰苦卓绝的奋斗而取得的当家作主的权利,十分珍惜经过长期艰辛的探索而 开辟的建设有中国特色社会主义这一正确的发展道路. They deeply cherish their hard-won right to be masters of the country and the right past to development, that is ,building socialism with Chinese characteristics. This is a road they have found after years of difficult exploration. 历史和现实都告诉我们,只有始终不渝地坚持这一切,中国才能持续发展,中国人民才能过上幸福 美好的生活. Both history and realities tell us that only by adhering to all this can China obtain a sustainable development and the Chinese people lead a happy life. 经过 50 年的艰苦创业,中国的综合国力、社会生产力和人民生活水平大幅度提高. Our strenuous efforts in the past 50 years have brought about a substantial boost in the overall national strength and social productivity and a marked improvement of people's livelihood. 从 1952 年到 1958

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